Jun 15, 2017 | J.P. Trepanier | 1041 views
Parents Meeting and Player Signing Day
Our initial Parent’s Meeting and Player Signing will take on Monday June 19th at 7:00pm in the Board Room at the ATC.
Please make sure to have at least 1 parent as well as your son present, as our season plan and expectations will be shared at this time. Please try to bring in the paperwork you received after our last exhibition game, and please try to bring in 3-4 cheques as we will also start collecting team fees at this time. Other topics we will discuss are tournaments, the team budget, and fundraising. If you have any fundraising ideas, please be prepared to bring those up. If there is a conflict and there is absolutely no way anyone can be present then please contact us and we will arrange a meeting with you.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday.
Coach JP
(519) 919-8499